Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Bienvenue au Gîte des tilleuls

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Confort et authenticité

Depuis l'ouverture de nos portes, le Gîte des tilleuls a atteint un équilibre parfait entre confort et commodité.

Au cœur de l'Alsace, nous proposons tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour passer un agréable séjour.


Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Emplacement idéal

Situé à mi chemin entre Strasbourg et Mulhouse, vous aurez ​tout loisir de rayonner vers le sud pour visiter Colmar, ​Kaysersberg, Riquewihr ou Ribeauvillé ou vers le nord pour ​Mittelbergheim, Obernai, Marlenheim, et bien d’autres ​magnifiques villages de la route des vins surplombée par de ​nombreuses ruines de fortifications et l’exceptionnel château ​du Haut-Koenigsbourg.

Proche de la Frontière Allemande vous atteindrez le fameux ​parc d’attractions Europa-park en une demi heure, à moins ​que vous vouliez vous aventurer à Freiburg en Forêt noire à ​45km.

La piste cyclable aménagée le long du canal du Rhône au ​Rhin amènera les amoureux des ballades à vélo jusqu’à ​Strasbourg ou Colmar.

Pour les randonneurs, d’innombrables sentiers balisés par l​e club vosgien vous permettront de découvrir de nombreuse​s tours ou ruines de châteaux forts​.

La cuisine

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

La salle à manger

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Le salon et coin lecture

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Chambre Anne Eli

... la plus dans son jus.

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Chambre Nico

Tous les lits sont en format

Queen size (160) pour votre confort

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Chambre Sigismond

Possibilité de mise à disposition de deux lits parapluies

pour les bambins

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Chambre Amis

Jeux de société mis à disposition ainsi que quelques livres

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration


Accès jardin Nord


Buanderie avec tous le nécessaire de lavage,

séchage, repassage si cela venait à vous manquer..

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration


Grand jardin avec piscine privée, épaulée par une PAC à l’intersaison, douche solaire.

Pour les jeux en extérieur: table de ping pong, badminton, fléchettes, arc, balançoire, corde à grimper...

La cour intérieur permet d’accueillir 4 voitures

Vous aurez l’embarras du choix quant à l’emplacement du BBQ ou plancha

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Qui sommes nous ?

Après plusieurs années de travaux de restauration nous sommes ravis de proposer à ​la location cette authentique maison Alsacienne.

Récemment labellisée 3 étoiles par Alsace Destination Tourisme c’est une belle ​opportunité pour une immersion en famille ou entre amis dans notre belle région.

Nous aurons à coeur de vous accueillir

et vous faire partager nos traditions

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Règles de fonctionnement

  • La capacité maximale du Gîte est fixée à 8 personnes

  • Nos amis les animaux ne sont pas acceptés

  • La maison est non fumeur

  • Il est strictement interdit d’utiliser la propriété à l'organisation de fêtes

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

La liberté des uns s’arrête où commence celle des autres

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Tarifs & réservation

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Les locations se font à la semaine, à l’exception de la période hivernale.

Pour les séjours de fin d’année et particulièrement les week-ends, il est ​préférable de nous contacter par téléphone, les dates et heures d’arrivées étant ​variables en fonction du calendrier

Le calendrier des réservations et les tarifs sont disponibles sur AMIVAC

ainsi que sur Leboncoin

Gite des tilleuls

66, rue Principale

67390 Heidolsheim (F)

Olive Tree Isolated Icon Design
Cellphone Icon

+33 7 45 24 93 85

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Les avis de nos clients en 202​3

  • En 2023, le site de réservation en ligne AMIVAC ne permettait pas aux ​locataires de déposer un avis, c’est pourquoi nous mettons en lignes les ​évaluations manuscrites réalisées sur la base d’un formulaire remis lors de ​leur séjour. Cliquer pour consultation sur : Avis 2023

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Welcome to the Gîte des tilleuls

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Comfort and authenticity

Since opening our doors, Gîte des tilleuls has achieved a perfect balance ​between comfort and convenience.

In the heart of Alsace, we offer everything you need for a pleasant stay.


Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Ideal location

Located halfway between Strasbourg and Mulhouse, you will ​have plenty of time to travel south to visit Colmar, ​Kaysersberg, Riquewihr or Ribeauvillé or north to ​Mittelbergheim, Obernai, Marlenheim, and many other ​magnificent villages on the wine route. overlooked by ​numerous ruins of fortifications and the exceptional Haut-​Koenigsbourg castle.

Close to the German Border you will reach the famous ​Europa-park amusement park in half an hour, unless you ​want to venture to Freiburg in the Black Forest 45km away.

The cycle path built along the Rhône-Rhine canal will take ​bike lovers to Strasbourg or Colmar.

For hikers, countless trails marked by the Vosges club will ​allow you to discover numerous towers or ruins of fortified ​castles.

The kitchen

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

The dining room

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

The living room and reading corner

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Anne Eli’s Room

...the most in its juice.

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Nico’s Room​

All beds are in format

Queen size (160) for your comfort

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Anne Eli’s Room

...the most in its juice.

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Friends Room

Board games available as well as some books

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration


North garden ​access


Laundry room with all the washing, drying and ​ironing essentials if you need it.

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration


Large garden with private swimming pool, ​supported by a heat pump in the off-season, solar ​shower.

For outdoor games: ping pong table, badminton, ​darts, bow, swing, climbing rope...

The interior courtyard can accommodate 4 cars

You will be spoiled for choice as to the location of the BBQ or plancha

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Who are we ?

After several years of restoration work, we are delighted to offer this authentic ​Alsatian house for rental.

Recently labeled 3 stars by Alsace Destination Tourisme, it is a great opportunity for ​an immersion with family or friends in our beautiful region.

We will be keen to welcome you and ​share our traditions with you.

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Rules of operation

  • The maximum capacity of the Gîte is set at 8 people

  • Our animal friends are not accepted

  • The house is non-smoking

  • It is strictly forbidden to use the property for the organization of parties.

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

The freedom of some ends where that of others begins

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Prices & reservation

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Rentals are weekly, with the exception of the winter period.

For end-of-year stays and particularly weekends, it is preferable to contact us ​by telephone, the arrival dates and times vary depending on the calendar. The ​reservation calendar and prices are available on AMIVAC as well as on ​Leboncoin

Gite des tilleuls

66, rue Principale

67390 Heidolsheim (F)

Olive Tree Isolated Icon Design
Cellphone Icon

+33 7 45 24 93 85

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Our customer reviews in 2023

  • In 2023, the online reservation site AMIVAC did not allow tenants to ​submit a review, which is why we are putting online the handwritten ​evaluations carried out on the basis of a form provided during their stay. ​Click for consultation on: Notice 2023




Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Willkommen im Gîte des Tilleuls

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Komfort und Authentizität

Seit seiner Eröffnung hat Gîte des Tilleuls ein perfektes ​Gleichgewicht zwischen Komfort und Bequemlichkeit erreicht.

Im Herzen des Elsass bieten wir alles, was Sie für einen ​angenehmen Aufenthalt benötigen.


Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Ideale Lage

Auf halber Strecke zwischen Straßburg und Mülhausen ​gelegen, haben Sie genügend Zeit, um nach Süden zu reisen, ​um Colmar, Kaysersberg, Riquewihr oder Ribeauvillé zu ​besuchen, oder nach Norden nach Mittelbergheim, Obernai, ​Marlenheim und vielen anderen herrlichen Dörfern an der ​Weinstraße, die von zahlreichen Festungsruinen überragt ​werden und das außergewöhnliche Schloss Haut-​Koenigsbourg.

Nahe der deutschen Grenze erreichen Sie in einer halben ​Stunde den berühmten Freizeitpark Europa-Park, es sei denn, ​Sie möchten ins 45 km entfernte Freiburg im Schwarzwald ​fahren.

Der Radweg entlang des Rhone-Rhein-Kanals führt ​Fahrradliebhaber nach Straßburg oder Colmar.

Für Wanderer gibt es zahlreiche vom Vogesenclub markierte ​Wanderwege, auf denen Sie zahlreiche Türme oder Ruinen ​befestigter Burgen entdecken können.

Die Küche

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Der Esszimmer

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Das Wohnzimmer und die Leseecke

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Anne-Eli’s Zimmer

...das meiste in seinem Saft.

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Nico’s Zimmer​

Alle Betten sind im Format

Queen-Size-Bett (160) für Ihren Komfort

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Sigmund’s Zimmer

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Möglichkeit der ​Bereitstellung von ​zwei Reisebetten für ​Kleinkinder

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Freunde Zimmer

Brettspiele sowie einige Bücher sind vorhanden

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration


Zugang zum Nordgarten


Waschküche mit allen wichtigen Wasch-, Trocken- ​und Bügelutensilien, falls Sie diese benötigen.

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration


Großer Garten mit privatem Pool, in der ​Nebensaison von einer Wärmepumpe unterstützt, ​Solardusche.

Für Spiele im Freien: Tischtennisplatte, ​Badminton, Darts, Bogen, Schaukel, Kletterseil...

Der Innenhof bietet Platz für 4 Autos

Sie haben die Qual der Wahl, wo der Grill oder die Plancha platziert werden soll

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Wer sind wir ?

Nach mehreren Jahren der Restaurierungsarbeiten freuen wir uns, dieses ​authentische elsässische Haus zur Vermietung anbieten zu können.

Es wurde kürzlich von Alsace Destination Tourisme mit 3 Sternen ausgezeichnet und ​ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, mit Familie oder Freunden in unsere wunderschöne ​Region einzutauchen.

Wir würden uns freuen, Sie begrüßen zu ​dürfen und unsere Traditionen mit Ihnen ​zu teilen.

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration


  • Die maximale Kapazität der Gîte ist auf 8 Personen festgelegt

  • Unsere tierischen Freunde werden nicht akzeptiert

  • Das Haus ist ein Nichtraucherhaus

  • Es ist strengstens verboten, das Grundstück für die Organisation von Partys ​zu nutzen.

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Die Freiheit der einen endet dort, wo die der anderen beginnt

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Preise & Reservierung

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Die Vermietung erfolgt wochenweise, mit Ausnahme der Wintersaison.

Für Aufenthalte am Jahresende und insbesondere am Wochenende kontaktieren ​Sie uns am besten telefonisch. Die Ankunftsdaten und -zeiten variieren je nach ​Kalender. Der Reservierungskalender und die Preise sind sowohl auf AMIVAC ​als auch auf Leboncoin verfügbar

Gite des tilleuls

66, rue Principale

67390 Heidolsheim (F)

Olive Tree Isolated Icon Design
Cellphone Icon

+33 7 45 24 93 85

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration

Unsere Kundenbewertungen im Jahr 2023

Linden or Tilia Specie with Pale Green Leaves and Fragrant Yellowish-White Flowers Closeup Vector Illustration
  • Im Jahr 2023 war es den Mietern auf der Online-Reservierungsseite ​AMIVAC nicht möglich, eine Bewertung abzugeben, weshalb wir die ​handschriftlichen Bewertungen, die auf der Grundlage eines während ihres ​Aufenthalts bereitgestellten Formulars erstellt wurden, online stellen. ​Klicken Sie hier für eine Beratung zu: Bekanntmachung 2023
